
Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Silverlight is dead! Long live Silverlight!

While I was registered and packed for PDC10, I was sidelined by being behind on a critical project and a wife with a broken foot the day I was suppose to fly to SEA.  My disappointment in missing the event is only surpassed by the controversy over Silverlight/HTML5.

Did Microsoft do a poor job presenting there strategy or did we do a poor job listening?  I think a little of both.

My team and I have invested a lot in the Silverlight stack and plan on continuing for some time.  Below are some links to articles, blogs and such that I think address the confusion head on and reinforce my idea that Silverlight is here to stay.  At the same time HTML is undergoing dramatic changes that we need to keep a close eye on.

Bob Muglia on Microsoft's Silverlight Strategy,

Time Heuer’s Blog,

Mary Joe Foley,

Steve Ballmer on PDC,

Scott Guthrie; The state of Silverlight,

Blog post on silverlight,

Silverlight, HTML5 and your future blog post,

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